Upcoming Breakout Rooms in Microsoft Teams: information so far

This week we have seen some info about upcoming Breakout Rooms functionality to Microsoft Teams in Twitter and in LinkedIn by Microsoft employees. Jeff Teper tweeted "Working on it... " with a picture snipped about how Breakout Rooms look in Teams https://twitter.com/jeffteper/status/1295432950675156992?s=09 And the Rish Tandon followed up with information that "up to 50 them, … Continue reading Upcoming Breakout Rooms in Microsoft Teams: information so far

The better and improved Teams Whiteboard

Microsoft Whiteboard got nice improvements to both Teams and web-version during the summer. In this post you can see what the improvements are and how they work together with the Whiteboard app. First, the most important improvements Write text anywhere in Whiteboard at Teams & webAdd & edit notes in the whiteboardMove objects in the … Continue reading The better and improved Teams Whiteboard

How to: add a task to To-Do from a selected Teams message

Teams got a huge amount of updates and new features during the summer 2020. They are all extremely interesting, but for this one I start off easy and something that can help lots of people: how to make a task out of a single Teams message. It is recommended you read the whole post before … Continue reading How to: add a task to To-Do from a selected Teams message