Art of Pinning Channels III

I wrote last year two posts in this blog about Pin channels feature in Microsoft Teams. The first one was more about "what is Pin channels and how do you use it"   and the second was "what if you would turn Teams to more channel oriented". This one is more about my experiences since … Continue reading Art of Pinning Channels III

Easy Teams onboarding by welcoming new members automatically

You are added to a new team and look around. While some teams are familiar from the click one, there are some that would require a bit of more knowledge. What is the team's purpose, what are those channels, are there some agreed team practices? Instead of having to ask around for these the team … Continue reading Easy Teams onboarding by welcoming new members automatically

Sharing a teams conversations using Outlook

A new feature recently rolled out to Teams. You can now choose to share a Teams conversation using Outlook. The feature is found via message's ... (three dots, ellipses) menu. This shares the message and all it's replies. Then the Outlook-style window will open up. You can add your comments, do editing of message etc. … Continue reading Sharing a teams conversations using Outlook

Jabra Elite 85h: the best modern worklife headphones I’ve had so far

I use Teams meetings and calling a lot. I also do tons of work from various other places than my home office. Some other locations are for example a train when I commute to Helsinki, when I am visiting our headquarters, occasionally in a café or restaurant, lobby, .. You name it. Simply put: I … Continue reading Jabra Elite 85h: the best modern worklife headphones I’ve had so far

Copying files to Private Channel using Graph API

I was approached with a scenario: Once I have created a Private Channel how can I automatically copy files there? Since I didn't have a direct answer it was time to open Graph Explorer and start digging. Create a Private Channel You need to have a suitable team first. /me/joinedTeams is quite a good Graph … Continue reading Copying files to Private Channel using Graph API